Monday 17 November 2008

Think & Grow Rich

A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks he becomes.- Mohandas Gandhi

Its 2nd October 2008, I just received a phone call from Goldsmiths University, I can just about contain my laughter, I had to call someone! I called an old friend and told her that I had been offered a place at Goldsmith University doing an Ma in Film Producing.

Things were happening so fast from the first moment that I thought about becoming a film producer, and I was finally getting what I needed to make it happen. If your thinking of doing an MA in this field, I think like everything else you must do your research. I almost never applied – as I hadn't done my research, but when I did I realised that this course would enable me to have a fully completed script by the end of the academic year!! Now please don't misunderstand my situation as a life of extreme perfection, not at all, its going to be tough. I have a family, mortgage, broken leg – but what the heck!1 I'm going to be a film producer. What I'm trying to say is that like you I've got responsibilties, but if you really want something then you'd better not refuse it when it comes. I had 4 days to prepare for this, I wanted to prepare my mind for the work. Goldsmiths had sent me all the course information, so I knew what books I needed, so I got straight onto the internet and started preparing myself.

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