Monday 17 November 2008


Week 2:

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King Jnr.

By Monday, I had finished my script and had already emailed it to my group, so by the time I got to class everyone was ready to analyse each others work. This was a really humbling experience, I had written 2000 words, and I thought this was really good! After all I am not a writer, when I got to University – the class ripped it to shreads – academically speaking! It was hard, but I learned lots, and I was going to use the positive criticism to try to make my work better. This week was a real eye opener and really intense. It was still about focusing on the script and how to bring it to life. I learned what was involved in film making an the different sets involved, as well as the psychological feel required in film making. This, I know understood, was what made the film good, if the writer could get the audience to emotionally connect with the characters. On a personal level, being the only black man on the course is interesting. It's really difficult to express your culture, it's an academic environment and not really about that. It strips you of your culture – which is a good thing, as it sharpens your skills and indentifies new ones, therefore constantly allowing for self development.

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