Monday 17 November 2008

It's my world

Week 4

I've always had confidence. It came because I have lots of initiative. I wanted to make something of myself.
Eddie Murphy

This week we began by looking at the world of the story, its amusing as when everyone talks about their world, or where their story is set - it actually reveals and allows you to understand each others writing styles, and how people follow instructions. I didn't write enough in my script about my knowledge of specific events and characters, for example drug dealers, crime, bus drivers, different styles of music playing in the background. It really gets you thinking. We touched on the 'Pitch', which means why a movie should be made, the students had to pitch to each other which was interesting and helpful. We also discussed the synopsis - which is whats in it, what it consists of. Were getting to the half way stage now, we break next week and then have a further 5 weeks of this topic. Today we were given a major piece of work, we need to write a pitch for a movie and then do 10 pages of a short story, which include 6-10 dramatic incidents that we envisage in the story. This is only possible by using all the information we have learned from the start of the course, which has been how to structure characters, background/setting and new pitch and synopsis. I'm excited as it helps me piece everything together - soon i'll have a ten page article and be able to say - hey what do you think!. It wont be the finished product, the story will change and change again, until its right, but its good to get something on the board. This week has been goo

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