Monday 17 November 2008

Just Do It

Week 1.

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase" – Martin Luther King Junior.

I have made the best decision to study this, today we got to know the personal sides of the students and what ideas we all had, in terms of the script we wanted to work on, and we were placed into groups, so that we can help each other review our scripts. I thought outside the box today, which helped me shape my whole concept of what making a movie is about, its not easy buts is exciting! During the week I found that my life experiences and my experience of running my own business were possibly one of my greatest advantages. Students tend to rely solely on academic abilities, but within this field its also about having commonsense, and the ability to utilise the theoretical knowledge and apply it practically to make money. I need this course to understand the jargon and mechanics of the industry. By the end of the week I was working on developing the script for my film – Get Rich or Die Laughing In 30 days, I learnt about inciting incidents and had to develop my 4 main characters. After reflecting on the first week, I guess learned that I am intelligent as anyone else, and I need to grasp these new theories that I will be learning and prove to myself and others that I can do this.

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