Sunday 30 November 2008

Going gets tough the tough get going....

WK 6 - 10th – 14th November 2008

“All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives - Steven Spielberg

When I arrived on Monday , I was really excited and eager to receive feedback on the script, but it didn’t happen – this deflated me some what. I mean, I wrote 5000 words and it wasn’t easy. The lecturer just told us to keep writing and then we moved on to discuss ‘dramatic incidents’. Oh well, what can you do? I just had to carry on. There are so many different situations that constantly reveal themselves to me and serve as a reminder of the process of university, your not supported your just given the information and the rest is down to you. Personally though, I was glad that I finished my task at the weekend, when your studying at this level, it says a lot about you to your peers. People will lose faith in you and your reputation will be tainted regardless of what you say – Its all about what you do!– Its important to always finish the work no matter how hard you think it is and no matter what standard you think its at – just get the job done.

On Tuesday that class was facilitated by a visiting lecturer. The purpose of the lecture was for her to conflict with all the theories that we as students may have and inform us of something new. In my opinion her style of delivery weakened the content of her information and didn’t reveal the depth of knowledge and experience she had, and on this type of course you want to hear all about the work that people have been involved in – its makes them more credible. By Wednesday I had a work experience interview, so I didn’t attend University – I feel its important on this course to get as much practical work experience as possible, as it helps with all that your required to do, and will help speed up your future career. Anyway, my interview was to be involved in making a Feature Film in December 2008, so before I went I drew up a C.V to include all the shows and events that I have put on – it was a good interview, I have a few other things in the pipeline also – so I’ll just see what comes up first.

When I went back on Thursday we had our first script editing session, I was given notes to follow and give feedback on a fellow students script. I gave good and correct feedback but was told by the lecturer that I needed more indepth notes. You can’t take things personally in university though, majority of the time they will not give you positive comment, just simple tell you what’s lacking. I just sat and listened for the rest of the lecture and focussed on just passing and receiving my qualification!! That evening I kept things in motion – I went to a Film Festival in Brixton, which was really good. It’s something that opened my eyes even more to the opportunities out there. My reflection at the end of the week brought me to a good place, even though this week was filled with slightly conflicting views between myself and lecturers, I look forward to my script being edited in 2 weeks, I hope I get as much feedback as I gave, as it will help me move forward with the script.

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