Sunday 30 November 2008

Strengths overcome Weaknessess

WK 5 - 3rd – 7th Nov 2008

“We all run up on a wall of some sort occasionally and we don’t know what to do” Samuel L. Jackson

This week was filled with ups & downs, it was half term, but with this MA, there really are no breaks as such. I needed to go into university as I volunteered to put myself up for class rep, it was between myself and another student but I knew I wanted it, and I get the impression the student knew I was going to be relentless in my efforts of getting this and guess what…I’m student rep!!. The meeting was typical university C*#p!! (excuse the French). I thought we would be discussing things that would effect our academic year, but I soon realised it was a typical academic process of consultation where nothing is changed until the following year for future students. I’m not saying if your considering taking this type of course that you shouldn’t put yourself up for a role like this – on the contrary. The role and my involvement in it is something that I can add to my CV, and you get to meet other members of the course where you wouldn’t normally see them. The really good thing to come out of the meeting was that due to some of the comments that I brought up, some students from MA Documentaries & MA Film Making approached me and said they wanted to do some group work with me. My aim is to start showing films in the University and to utilise the creativity and skills that is already within the university prior to me completing the course.

As it was half term I spent the next few days doing my short story, however my laptop was still broken and the computer at home has a virus, so I went into university to do the work. It took me a long time to start, I didn’t know what I wanted, all I knew is that I wanted a comedy – Period! I didn’t have a clue where to start. That’s the thing with MA, they are difficult as it’s a few lectures then your left on your own to make things happen. But then as I read through my notes – what helped me start was seriously thinking about what I wanted out there – you have to know what you want from the start – don’t go in too blind, trust me! Anyway, I encountered more problems, towards the end of the week and then I received an email saying that the work was due in on Saturday!! By this time I had lost motivation, so I had to pick up momentum, it was hard but then my pride kicked in – I couldn’t be the only one who had not competed the task – so I pulled my finger out and continued!! I finished the story 10 pages exactly, and emailed it off.

What I learned this week, is that I really have to make time to do more studying and writing. I’m so busy trying to juggling so many different aspects of my life that I’m running out of time. Also my pride served as a strength to overcome my weakness of motivation. When your trying to achieve something, anything your going to have weak moments – but if you want to survive, then you have to push yourself and not beat yourself up. What you lack in one area you can use as a strength in another area, there’s always some sort of quality that you have that can help give you that determination to push yourself.

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