Sunday 30 November 2008

Going gets tough the tough get going....

WK 6 - 10th – 14th November 2008

“All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives - Steven Spielberg

When I arrived on Monday , I was really excited and eager to receive feedback on the script, but it didn’t happen – this deflated me some what. I mean, I wrote 5000 words and it wasn’t easy. The lecturer just told us to keep writing and then we moved on to discuss ‘dramatic incidents’. Oh well, what can you do? I just had to carry on. There are so many different situations that constantly reveal themselves to me and serve as a reminder of the process of university, your not supported your just given the information and the rest is down to you. Personally though, I was glad that I finished my task at the weekend, when your studying at this level, it says a lot about you to your peers. People will lose faith in you and your reputation will be tainted regardless of what you say – Its all about what you do!– Its important to always finish the work no matter how hard you think it is and no matter what standard you think its at – just get the job done.

On Tuesday that class was facilitated by a visiting lecturer. The purpose of the lecture was for her to conflict with all the theories that we as students may have and inform us of something new. In my opinion her style of delivery weakened the content of her information and didn’t reveal the depth of knowledge and experience she had, and on this type of course you want to hear all about the work that people have been involved in – its makes them more credible. By Wednesday I had a work experience interview, so I didn’t attend University – I feel its important on this course to get as much practical work experience as possible, as it helps with all that your required to do, and will help speed up your future career. Anyway, my interview was to be involved in making a Feature Film in December 2008, so before I went I drew up a C.V to include all the shows and events that I have put on – it was a good interview, I have a few other things in the pipeline also – so I’ll just see what comes up first.

When I went back on Thursday we had our first script editing session, I was given notes to follow and give feedback on a fellow students script. I gave good and correct feedback but was told by the lecturer that I needed more indepth notes. You can’t take things personally in university though, majority of the time they will not give you positive comment, just simple tell you what’s lacking. I just sat and listened for the rest of the lecture and focussed on just passing and receiving my qualification!! That evening I kept things in motion – I went to a Film Festival in Brixton, which was really good. It’s something that opened my eyes even more to the opportunities out there. My reflection at the end of the week brought me to a good place, even though this week was filled with slightly conflicting views between myself and lecturers, I look forward to my script being edited in 2 weeks, I hope I get as much feedback as I gave, as it will help me move forward with the script.

Strengths overcome Weaknessess

WK 5 - 3rd – 7th Nov 2008

“We all run up on a wall of some sort occasionally and we don’t know what to do” Samuel L. Jackson

This week was filled with ups & downs, it was half term, but with this MA, there really are no breaks as such. I needed to go into university as I volunteered to put myself up for class rep, it was between myself and another student but I knew I wanted it, and I get the impression the student knew I was going to be relentless in my efforts of getting this and guess what…I’m student rep!!. The meeting was typical university C*#p!! (excuse the French). I thought we would be discussing things that would effect our academic year, but I soon realised it was a typical academic process of consultation where nothing is changed until the following year for future students. I’m not saying if your considering taking this type of course that you shouldn’t put yourself up for a role like this – on the contrary. The role and my involvement in it is something that I can add to my CV, and you get to meet other members of the course where you wouldn’t normally see them. The really good thing to come out of the meeting was that due to some of the comments that I brought up, some students from MA Documentaries & MA Film Making approached me and said they wanted to do some group work with me. My aim is to start showing films in the University and to utilise the creativity and skills that is already within the university prior to me completing the course.

As it was half term I spent the next few days doing my short story, however my laptop was still broken and the computer at home has a virus, so I went into university to do the work. It took me a long time to start, I didn’t know what I wanted, all I knew is that I wanted a comedy – Period! I didn’t have a clue where to start. That’s the thing with MA, they are difficult as it’s a few lectures then your left on your own to make things happen. But then as I read through my notes – what helped me start was seriously thinking about what I wanted out there – you have to know what you want from the start – don’t go in too blind, trust me! Anyway, I encountered more problems, towards the end of the week and then I received an email saying that the work was due in on Saturday!! By this time I had lost motivation, so I had to pick up momentum, it was hard but then my pride kicked in – I couldn’t be the only one who had not competed the task – so I pulled my finger out and continued!! I finished the story 10 pages exactly, and emailed it off.

What I learned this week, is that I really have to make time to do more studying and writing. I’m so busy trying to juggling so many different aspects of my life that I’m running out of time. Also my pride served as a strength to overcome my weakness of motivation. When your trying to achieve something, anything your going to have weak moments – but if you want to survive, then you have to push yourself and not beat yourself up. What you lack in one area you can use as a strength in another area, there’s always some sort of quality that you have that can help give you that determination to push yourself.

Monday 17 November 2008

It's my world

Week 4

I've always had confidence. It came because I have lots of initiative. I wanted to make something of myself.
Eddie Murphy

This week we began by looking at the world of the story, its amusing as when everyone talks about their world, or where their story is set - it actually reveals and allows you to understand each others writing styles, and how people follow instructions. I didn't write enough in my script about my knowledge of specific events and characters, for example drug dealers, crime, bus drivers, different styles of music playing in the background. It really gets you thinking. We touched on the 'Pitch', which means why a movie should be made, the students had to pitch to each other which was interesting and helpful. We also discussed the synopsis - which is whats in it, what it consists of. Were getting to the half way stage now, we break next week and then have a further 5 weeks of this topic. Today we were given a major piece of work, we need to write a pitch for a movie and then do 10 pages of a short story, which include 6-10 dramatic incidents that we envisage in the story. This is only possible by using all the information we have learned from the start of the course, which has been how to structure characters, background/setting and new pitch and synopsis. I'm excited as it helps me piece everything together - soon i'll have a ten page article and be able to say - hey what do you think!. It wont be the finished product, the story will change and change again, until its right, but its good to get something on the board. This week has been goo


The Rise Of the Butterfly, By Kennedy - written by Natalie Wright.

On April 30th 1970, a young boy was born in Guys Hospital London. Ken Drysdale was the only boy of 3 children. His colourful adolescence, his love of entertainment, making and losing money, his wife and his children have shaped him into the man he is today and this is a story taking you through the journey of a top underground and talented producer in the British Comedy / Theatre Industry , while he goes back to Goldsmith College, University of London to do his MA in Feature Film.

In Los Angeles USA & Kingston Jamaica he is referred to as the 'Big producer from England', and he has had the honour of working with and representing known actors such as, Oliver Samuels, Volier Johnson, Chris "Johnny" Daley & Audrey Reid. While in America he has worked with and is respected by the likes of Bill Bellamy (Last Comic Standing), Mark Curry (Hanging with Mr Cooper) and Kevin Hart (Soul Plane).

His interest in production started 7 years ago in a winebar in Streatham, South London called The Butterfly Bar where he started his first comedy shows and from there he has gone from strength to strength, helping others – sometimes to his detriment, but nonetheless he has still rose. The Rise of the Butterfly is a story of dedication, laughter, mistakes, victimisation, successess, friendship, business, blind faith and ambition. The following weekly chapters are an insight into the beginning of Kennedy's (as he is known as in the business) journey, where he reveals the excitement, obstacles, and truth about getting what you want and succeeding, while he takes you through a week by week account as he discusses studying for his Masters in Film to become a producer/scriptwriter.

Whose Film is it anyway?

If I really considered myself a writer, I wouldn't be writing screenplays. I'd be writing novels
- Quentin Tarantino

Week 3

I had 2 lectures at the beginning of the week, these were really intense and i found that i didn't connect with the lecturers style, so i found this boring. However the important thing to note is that i just need to pass the course and understand how to practically make a film, so i just need to listen to the lecture - boring or exciting it doesn't matter. I need to pass!! The lectures are really important as your required to have 80% attendance, which means that you can only miss 2 lectures out of 12, and i've already missed one, because of my injury. University, is about enabling you to learn for yourself and gain your own understandign of the topic. I know that I need to do more writing, much more!! I have 10 short movies to make by December, so I just got to keep pushing stuff out there and make things happen.

On Tuesday, we were still focused on script writing and discussing 'Our World', which means where your film is based - the setting. I found that people started to defend their stories and their cultural background. The story may not be the best or complete, but you have to defend it, and explain the story as you understand it, especially if your writing about something that you have expereienced or can relate to.

The rest of the week was great, an real eye opener - again!! Nearly all the students were complaining about the lecture and the critiques of our scripts. I can't believe that these people are menat to be academics and not take this personally. The lecturer is just a facilitator, who is explaining a system to us, we just need to understand that system. Because of several reasons including culture, i get the impression that the other students may have a low expectations of me, today that changed - as my script was pulled out and referred to the class as correct!! I couldn't believe it!! But I should have, after all, I just listen to what the lecturer says, take notes and deliver on what he asks. I really am getting into the flow of it all now, to the point that the students are saying that i'm even talkign like a film producer.. Great!! Its not that i feel i'm a producer, but I know about scripts, I've been doing comedy since early 90's. Today I defended what I knew - the class tried to dismiss the background of my script as unrealistic. But my script shows that its the sub culture that make the culture, the 90's were a time that black people were making money. By rights I should have done ths course 10 years ago, but I chose Youth & Community Work, I dont regret the choice as thats what made me financially and personally the man i am today.

This week 've learned that you dont talk about what you know, you write it down and show it. Its about writing it down in the correct form, so that no one can argue the facts if you've written it properly.

Think & Grow Rich

A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks he becomes.- Mohandas Gandhi

Its 2nd October 2008, I just received a phone call from Goldsmiths University, I can just about contain my laughter, I had to call someone! I called an old friend and told her that I had been offered a place at Goldsmith University doing an Ma in Film Producing.

Things were happening so fast from the first moment that I thought about becoming a film producer, and I was finally getting what I needed to make it happen. If your thinking of doing an MA in this field, I think like everything else you must do your research. I almost never applied – as I hadn't done my research, but when I did I realised that this course would enable me to have a fully completed script by the end of the academic year!! Now please don't misunderstand my situation as a life of extreme perfection, not at all, its going to be tough. I have a family, mortgage, broken leg – but what the heck!1 I'm going to be a film producer. What I'm trying to say is that like you I've got responsibilties, but if you really want something then you'd better not refuse it when it comes. I had 4 days to prepare for this, I wanted to prepare my mind for the work. Goldsmiths had sent me all the course information, so I knew what books I needed, so I got straight onto the internet and started preparing myself.


Week 2:

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King Jnr.

By Monday, I had finished my script and had already emailed it to my group, so by the time I got to class everyone was ready to analyse each others work. This was a really humbling experience, I had written 2000 words, and I thought this was really good! After all I am not a writer, when I got to University – the class ripped it to shreads – academically speaking! It was hard, but I learned lots, and I was going to use the positive criticism to try to make my work better. This week was a real eye opener and really intense. It was still about focusing on the script and how to bring it to life. I learned what was involved in film making an the different sets involved, as well as the psychological feel required in film making. This, I know understood, was what made the film good, if the writer could get the audience to emotionally connect with the characters. On a personal level, being the only black man on the course is interesting. It's really difficult to express your culture, it's an academic environment and not really about that. It strips you of your culture – which is a good thing, as it sharpens your skills and indentifies new ones, therefore constantly allowing for self development.